New company representative or change of other information regarding a licence holder
According to article 8 of Act no. 96/2018 on the Icelandic Tourist Board the representative of a legal person (a company) that holds a licence from the Icelandic Tourist Board must reside in a member state of the European Economic Area or a state which is party to the Convention establishing the European Free Trade Association or in the Faroe Islands. Company representatives must be of legal majority, and be competent to manage their own finances, and may not, during the four preceding years in connection with commercial activity, have been convicted of any offence punishable under the Act on the Icelandic Tourist Board, the General Penal Code or the Acts of limited liability companies, private limited liability companies, accounting practices, annual accounts, bankruptcy etc., or government taxes.
If a new representative is appointed for a licenced company the new representative must be registered with the Icelandic Tourist Board. Registering a new company representative should be done using the appropriate form, see link below. The form is accessed using electronic ID.
Supporting documents with a registration of a new company representative:
Most certificates required to confirm that the company representative fulfils legal requirements are obtained automatically when the applicant confirms that these certificates may be obtained and processed. The applicant must obtain the following documents and upload with the application:
- Certificate of registration with the Iceland Revenue and Customs
The online application is accessed using electronic ID. The new company representative, who must be registered with Iceland Revenue and Customs (Skatturinn) as holding power of attorney for the company, logs in using electronic ID and selects the respective company (please note that the registration form is in Icelandic).
Please note that other changes regarding licenced companies such as new address, email addresses, websites, phone numbers, or other contact information must be registered with the Icelandic Tourist Board. The information should be sent by e-mail to