Day tour providers - Cancellation of licences
Day tour provider licences are indefinite and are normally not revoked at the initiative of the Icelandic Tourist Board unless the office receives information that the operations of a licence holder have been terminated, a normal person (individual) who has a licence issued to personal social security number is deceased, or a social security number that a license is issued to has been declared bankrupt.
The Icelandic Tourist Board can revoke a licence in the event that the security plans of a licence holder are insufficient, or the licence holder no longer fulfils legal requirements for licencing according to Act on the Icelandic Tourist Board no. 96/2918.
Licence holders can ask for a cancellation of a day tour provider licence provided that their operations have been suspended and all information regarding the sale of tours has been removed from their web site and other promotional materials. Request for cancellation should be sent by email to leyfisveitingar@ferdamalastofa.s. Licence holders who widen the scope of their operations and apply for a travel agency licence can call for the cancellation of the day tour provider licence.
A list of cancelled day tour procvider licences can be found here. Please note that the list is in Icelandic.