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Registration of an Information Center

Skráð UpplýsingamiðstöðAccording to the Act on the Icelandic Tourist Board, anyone who intends to operate an information center shall send a written notification to that effect to the Icelandic Tourist Board. An information center may not compile, offer for sale or advertise tours or other travel-related activities.

Registration of an information center

The registration of an information center goes through 
To log-in either electronic authentication is needed (I. rafræn skilríki) or through the "Ice-key" (I. Íslykill)
The registration fee is ISK 15,000.

Among other things, the following information is requested:

  • Name of the business
  • Name of operator, ID number (I. kennitala), postal address, telephone number and e-mail address.
  • Name and ID number (I. kennitala) of the custodian
  • Description of activities
  • Opening hours

Information centers are authorized to use the Tourist Information logo of the Icelandic Tourist Board.

Information centers that receive public funding or support shall keep those aspects of their activities financially separate from other aspects of their activities.

The Icelandic Tourist Board may delete an information center from the tourist register if an activity has been discontinued or an activity has been expanded so that it falls under the definition of a day trip travel agent or a travel agency. The Icelandic Tourist Board is responsible for the decision to which category an operation belongs, if a dispute were to arise as to which category the operation belongs.