Iceland becomes part of the EuroVelo route

Iceland is on it‘s way to become a part of the EuroVelo project, a netwotk of long distance cycle routes in Europe. This brings the EuroVelo project to Iceland at last.
A route betveen Icelands two major income points
An itinerary around the southern part of Iceland has been proposed between Seyðisfjörður (the conncetion between Iceand and Europe by ferry) and Keflavík international airport, near the capital Reykjavík. The application was prepared by the Icelandic Tourist Board in cooperation with the Icelandic Cyclists’ Federation and it will add 900 km to EuroVelo route 1.
Uniting whole Europe
EuroVelo is a network of 14 long distance cycle routes connecting and uniting whole Europe. The routes can be used by cycle tourists as well as by local people making daily journeys. EuroVelo currently comprises of 14 routes and it is envisaged that the network will be substantially complete by 2020.
Every three years there is an opportunity to apply to the ECF to make major changes to the EuroVelo network. These can include adding brand new EuroVelo routes or significantly changing the itinerary of existing routes. At the end of last year, a number of applications were submitted to the ECF to make such changes and at a meeting of the EuroVelo Council at the end of June, one new route and three extensions to existing routes were approved. These will all now become official Candidate Routes.