International visitors to Iceland 2023 - Survey results
The Icelandic Tourist Board's survey among foreign tourists is carried out at Keflavik airport. The aim of the survey is to gather statistical information on the profile, travel behaviour and attitudes of foreign tourists in Iceland. In a summary for 2023 that has now been published, the results are presented graphically and in tables.
The survey was conducted continuously throughout the entire year. One thousand responses were collected monthly, totaling 12,000 over the year. The results are weighted using the number of departure passengers by nationalities from the Icelandic Tourist Board and total passenger number through Keflavik Airport from Isavia.
A more detailed analysis is presented in the Excel document, where each question is processed by several background variables. These variables include nationality, market area (based on residence), purpose of visit, visited region, airline for the trip, gender, age and househould income.