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Opening of Grindavík town – Important information for tourists and tourism operators

Opening of Grindavík town – Important information for tourists and tourism operators

Due to the heightened risk of a volcanic activity, the town Grindavík was evacuated in November 2023. Since that time, the town has been closed to general traffic. The probability of an eruption near the town has decreased significantly and the town will be reopened to the public October 21st, 2024.

Six localized eruptions

Since December 2023, there have been six volcanic eruptions in the vicinity of the town, with the most recent one in August. The effects of these eruptions have been localized to the eruption sites, leading to road closures but without posing a direct threat to people. The most serious event for the town occurred in January 2024, when an eruption near the town caused lava to flow over several houses on the outskirts.

Increased Traffic Expected

Now that the town has been reopened, it is expected that there will be interest in seeing and experiencing the effects that the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have had on the area. This applies to both the general public and tourism operators planning to offer tours around the area and the town.

Show responsibility and respect

We urge tourists and tourism operators to show responsible travel behavior during visits to the town. It is important to plan and conduct tours with respect for the local community. This applies to both marketing and promotional materials as well as the tours themselves. Be cautious and ensure the safety of guests and staff in all circumstances.

Consideration for residents

We ask that residents be treated with consideration. For example, do not walk through yards or look into the windows of abandoned houses. Also, be mindful when visiting the streets where lava flowed over in January, that many families lost their homes and belongings there.

Restroom facilities

Restroom facilities are not available in Grindavík except at the few restaurants that are open, and there are currently not many of them.

Information brochures in English

Below are links to information brochure for visitors and tourism operators. These can be printed and distributed. We also recommend keeping an eye on updated guidelines at,, and

Information brochure about the opening of Grindavík