Travellers from Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Germany to be exempt from screening and quarantine requirements

Iceland's chief epidemiologist has decided that as of Thursday 16 July, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Germany will be removed from the list of high-risk countries. The effect of this change is that travelers arriving from these countries will be exempt from the quarantine and screening requirements that are generally applicable to passengers arriving in Iceland. Icelanders returning home will also be exempt from mandatory precautionary measures but are encouraged to show caution in the first few days after arrival.
The list will be updated
A condition for the exemption is that the traveler has not visited an area that is classified as high-risk in the 14 days prior to arrival in Iceland. Those born in 2005 and later continue to be exempt from quarantine and screening requirements. The chief epidemiologist will update the list of high-risk countries as the evidence develops.
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