Sumarskóli um forystu og stjórnun í sjálfbærri ferðaþjónustu
Dagana 5.-9. október var haldinn á Norðurlandi alþjóðlegur viðburði sem á íslensku var nefndur Sumarskóli um forystu og stjórnun í sjálfbærri ferðaþjónustu. Um var að ræða sambland af vinnufundum, fyrirlestrum og vettvangsferðum með þátttöku vitra erlendra og innlendra leiðbeinenda.
Að skipulagningu og undirbúningi stóðu Foundation for European Sustainable Tourism, Ferðamálastofa, Ferðamálaráð Evrópu, Rannsóknamiðstöð ferðamála og Markaðsstofa Norðurlands.
Hluti af dagskránni var eins dags ráðstefna í Hofi á Akureyri og er efni hennar aðgengilegt hér að neðan
Alþjóðastofnanir og ESB:
- Christopher Imbsen, Deputy Regional Director for Europe UNWTO
-2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development - Deirdre Shurland, Senior Consultant, UNEP
-From commitment to action in Tourism: Meeting the challenges of the sustainable development agenda - Shaun Mann, World Bank
-Designing and delivering sustainable tourism projects for effective results. Example from Albania, Georgia, Macedonia
- Seleni Matus, Executive Director, International Institute of Tourism Studies The George Washington University School of Business
-Trends and innovation around sustainable destination management - Dave Randle, Director of the University of South Florida's Florida's Patel College of Global Sustainability
-The Future We Want - Dr. John Hull, Associate Professor of Tourism Management at Thompson Rivers University in British Columbia, Canada and Co-director of the Alliance for Mountain Environments (AME)
-Preserving fragile environments for sustainable tourism: Best practice tools from Canada and Iceland - Ingunn Sørnes, Innovation Norway, Special Advisor Sustainable Tourism and Food
-DMOs Roles in building sustainability in destination - Brandon Presser, Lonely Planet Writer, travel expert, tv host, writer
-Trending in Travel: how to catch the eye of the industry's top players - Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir, General Manager, Snæfellsnes Regional Park
-The Spirit of Snæfellsnes - Rob Holmes, GLP Films, Founder & Chief Strategist
-Building brands through storytelling and content strategy, ROI Case Study: Keys to Successful Content Marketing Campaigns. - Tim Williamson, Marketing Specialist, Responsible Travel Director
-Marketing responsible travel - Sören Stöber, Travelife Director
-Certification as a Driver for Sustainable Development
- Teodora Marinska, European Travel Commission
-The EU Tourism Manifesto