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Iceland country report - Storytelling at the Settlement Centre of Iceland

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Titill Iceland country report - Storytelling at the Settlement Centre of Iceland

In this report the methods used in the Settlement Centre to tell stories will be recounted as well as the vision of the entrepreneur?s behind the Centre and their ways of furthering tourism in Borgarnes and the whole of West-Iceland. The aim of the report is to demonstrate the impact of storytelling evolution on tourism and destination development in the region.

Ná í viðhengi
Nafn Björg Árnadóttir
Flokkur Menning og saga
Útgáfuár 2010
Útgefandi Rannsóknamiðstöð ferðamála
ISBN 978-9979-834-79
Leitarorð landnámssetur íslanda, rannsóknamiðstöð ferðamála, menningarferðaþjónusta, sögur, sögumenn, þjóðtrú, menning