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Tourism Development in North Iceland

Nánari upplýsingar
Titill Tourism Development in North Iceland
Undirtitill The Issues of Seasonality and Image
Lýsing This report takes on the challenges of tourism seasonality in Iceland within the context of the (re)production of discourses identifiable through the images of tourist places and analyses them with the help of semiotics as deployed within tourism research. The main goal of this report is to explore both the issues of seasonality in North Iceland and its tourist images and see how they interconnect. In other words, what are the main specifics of seasonality in North Iceland, the predominant images of North Iceland in general and whether seasonality is being tackled in the tourism marketing messages, e.g. delivered via brochures.
Ná í viðhengi
Nafn Lusine Margaryan
Flokkur Stefnumótun og skipulag
Útgáfuár 2011
Útgefandi Rannsóknamiðstöð ferðamála
ISBN 978-9935-437-02
Leitarorð rannsóknamiðstöð ferðamála, rannsóknamiðstöð, norðurland,árstíðabundin sveifla, árstíðasveifla, háönn, lágönn, ímynd, markaðssetning, könnun