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Upplýsingar varðandi öryggismál fyrir ferðaheildsala


Í tilefni af fyrirhugðum breytingum á lögum um skipan ferðamála hefur iðnaðarráðuneytið sent erlendum ferðaheildsölum sem annast sölu skipulagðra ferða á Íslandi og til Íslands meðfylgjandi upplýsingar sem kveða á um að viðkomandi aðili þurfi að leggja fram öryggisáætlun- áhættumat við komu til landsins. Viðkomandi reglugerð hefur nú verið lögð fram á þingi og verði hún að lögum má reikna með að þau taki gildi nú í vor. Sjá texta er málið varðar hér að neðan:

"The Icelandic Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism wishes to inform that a bill of legislation has been presented before the Parliament of Iceland, stipulating that all parties offering organised commercial tours in Iceland must submit a safety plan. This applies to domestic and foreign tour operators alike.

Attached is the portion of the bill that pertains to the preparation of safety plans. If the bill is passed into law, it is expected to enter into force immediately (spring 2012).

When groups of travellers arrive in Iceland, the tour guide or driver will be required to demonstrate that the company has a valid safety plan. In addition, the authorities will request on a regular basis that parties responsible for tour groups in Iceland demonstrate that they have a valid safety plan.

When the Act has entered into force, the Icelandic Tourist Board will publish instructions for the preparation of safety plans on its website and will assist operators in preparing safety plans upon request".

Proposed changes to Tourism Administration Act. (word)

Mynd: Ragnar Th. Sigurðsson - arctic-images.com